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Lucy Ashmore


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After completing her training contract at Burges Salmon, Lucy qualified into the Projects team in August 2024. She completed a client secondment to Equans during her training contract and also supports on a range of matters providing contractual and regulatory advice for public and private sector clients in the energy, environment and defence sectors.


  • Old Oak Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC): A member of the core team supporting OPDC with its procurement process for the OPEN heat network project.
  • Canal & River Trust: Supporting with advice to the Canal & River Trust in connection with water abstraction licence appeals.
  • Ministry of Defence: Supporting the Ministry of Defence on a number of projects including its Submarine Disposals Capability project.
  • Various private equity investors: Carrying out due diligence on project documentation related to investments in solar, battery and waste projects.


  • Admitted as a solicitor: England & Wales (2024)