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Nicole Valentinova

Senior Associate

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Nicole is a senior associate in our Real Estate team. She has extensive experience in renewable energy projects and other energy projects, including both onshore and offshore wind, solar, battery storage, and carbon capture and storage projects.

Nicole is focused on continuing to grow her expertise in the development, financing and acquisition/ disposal of renewable energy projects, and she leads on multiple energy projects within the Real Estate Energy team.


  • Blue Gem Wind: Advising on the negotiation of an Option Agreement for Lease with The Crown Estate granting rights for the first floating offshore wind farm project in the Celtic Sea.
  • Gresham House: Advising on the acquisition of a pipeline of battery projects in development and on the subsequent development of the projects, including negotiation of main site leases, substation leases, and connection route easements.
  • ESB: Advising on the Round 4 offshore wind tender with The Crown Estate including analysis of the ITT, the published Heads of Terms, the main site Agreement for Lease and Lease and the transmission Agreement for Lease and Lease.
  • Harbour Energy: Advising on all real estate aspects of the acquisition of land rights in relation to a 55km CO2 onshore pipeline crossing through multiple landholdings, and advising on the acquisition requirements in relation to key landholdings.
  • Anesco: Advising on the acquisition of land rights for the developments of solar farms and BESS projects, the negotiation and completion of key land documents, and advising on the disposal of projects.
  • Schroders Greencoat: Advising in relation to their portfolio of over 200 operational solar farms, and advising on all aspects of Real Estate inquiries for multiple assets.


  • Admitted as a solicitor: England & Wales (2018)