
Rory is a director in the projects team and has a wide range of experience advising public and private sector clients on all aspects of major projects, including contractual, regulatory, procurement and outsourcing issues, with a particular focus on

  • Life Sciences
  • Healthcare and
  • Central Government.
  • Advising a global pharmaceutical company based in Germany on range of issues relating to drug manufacture and supply, including distribution, licence, commercialisation, regulatory and manufacture agreements covering UK, EU and non-EU markets.
  • Advising leading NHS Foundation Trust on range of clinical and non-clinical services contracts in the UK and internationally, drug supply arrangements and procurement issues.
  • Advising UK Government’s Vaccine Taskforce on contracts to manufacture vaccines as part of UK’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Advising Gavi, the vaccine alliance on range of services and grant-funding agreements linked to global immunisation programmes.
  • Advising UK nuclear technology provider on supply of medical isotopes for clinical trials in UK and internationally.
  • Advising an international telemedicine provider based in Australia on UK market access and expansion, including interactions with the MHRA, NICE and issues relating to the import, distribution and sale of medicines in the UK, including on stock shortage, licence variations and registration requirements.
  • Advising Porton Biopharma, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Department of Health and Social Care, on public law and regulatory matters.
  • Advising a US-owned medical device provider, on its contracts with NHS Trusts across the UK, including under NHS Supply Chain frameworks, for the provision of flexible.
  • Advising a Dutch medical device provider, on its suite of software licensing and support contracts with the NHS.
  • Advising a German medical diagnostic provider on regulatory issues relating to bringing a software-based medical device to the market in the UK.
  • Advising the Foreign Office on its flagship dynamic purchasing system for facilities management services across its global estate, including the first two call offs for services in the Asia Pacific region and Europe.
  • Advising the Ministry of Defence on naval nuclear propulsion contracts with Rolls Royce as part of the Dreadnought submarine programme.
  • Advising the Ministry of Defence on the research and collaboration agreement with multiple industry parties in relation to the UK's Future Combat Air Strategy.
  • Advising Northern Ireland Railways on the purchase of new rolling stock and related maintenance arrangements.
  • Advising Amazon Web Services on contracts to provide cloud based services to public sector clients, including in relation to regulated financial products.
  • Advising Ascent on the multi-billion pound UK Military Training Flying System PFI project. 
  • Advising Babcock on the outsourcing of a local authority's education services under the restricted procedure.