Public M&A
Our Public M&A expertise means that no matter the complexity or challenge, we deliver tailored legal solutions for our clients to ambitious takeover transaction deadlines.
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Our Public M&A expertise means that no matter the complexity or challenge, we deliver tailored legal solutions for our clients to ambitious takeover transaction deadlines.
To successfully execute a takeover transaction requires a detailed understanding of the Takeover Code alongside a range of other laws and regulations.
Our ability to deploy our expertise, understanding and practical advice in a timely and user-friendly manner, helps to shape our clients’ strategies and tactics in takeover situations.
The view of the market allows us also to understand and anticipate the opportunities and risks associated with public takeover situations, and to take appropriate action.
Our public M&A specialists also work closely with specialist multi-disciplinary teams to deliver the right solutions for our clients. Whether it is merger control, NSIA, debt finance, tax, or incentives planning, our specialist teams are experienced in providing takeover advice and seamless service.