Double insurance and indemnities
Businesses can find they have placed more than one insurance policy which could respond to an incident. Our insurance team takes a look at the general principles and the practical considerations.
27 February 2014
ECJ: OHIM has discretion to take into account evidence filed after deadline
Dickerson and Gibson publish an article about OHIM's discretion to consider evidence filed after the initial deadline in Community Trade Mark opposition proceedings following a recent ECJ decision.
30 August 2013
Burges Salmon's Edinburgh Office - One Year On
Burges Salmon celebrates the first anniversary of the opening of its Edinburgh office as the firm continues to demonstrate its commitment to the Scottish market and its long-standing Scottish practice
10 June 2020
Effects of a Brexit on environmental laws
Leaving the EU could have significant consequences for UK law closely entwined with decision-making in Brussels including concerns that 'Brexit' may lower standards of environmental quality.
12 April 2016
Edenred v HM Treasury: Supreme Court guidance on material change in procurement contracts
The Supreme Court delivered its judgment in Edenred v HM Treasury and others [2015 UKSC 45] where Edenred challenged HM Treasury's decision to enter into arrangements changing a public contract.
04 August 2015
Electricity Market Reform; first Delivery Plan
The Department of Energy and Climate Change published a draft Delivery Plan on renewable strike prices for the new Feed in Tariff Contracts for Difference and a standard for the Capacity Market.
22 July 2013
Electricity Market Reform (EMR) ; Draft FiT CfD strike prices
The Department of Energy and Climate Change published details on Electricity Market Reform, including draft "strike prices" for the new Feed in Tariff Contracts for Difference for non-fossil fuels.
10 July 2013
Electricity Market Reform: the Capacity Market explained
The Capacity Market is central to the UK’s electricity market reform proposals and is aimed primarily at ensuring security of our electricity supply. James Phillips explains how it works.
06 March 2014
ECHA Grant of Registration successfully challenged
What are the implications of the Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency to annul ECHA’s decision to grant REACH registration to a company not part of a joint registration?
04 April 2016
Direct power purchase agreement
Direct power purchase agreements continue to offer greater choice for generators and large electricity consumers. In this Briefing, we provide detail on direct PPA structures being used in the market.
14 June 2016
Director guarantees and the family home; does a spouse have an equity of exoneration?
Directors will often guarantee their companies’ debts but Day v Shaw and another [2014] EWCH 36 queries if a director's spouse can have her "share" of the house protected in the event of a sale.
24 February 2014
CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2013
The Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme has been in the spotlight since its inception. This briefing focuses on key changes after the government's consultation on proposed amends.
19 July 2013