Showing 1261-1272 of 5084 results


Cabinet Office Guidance: "Public/Public" Contracts

The Cabinet Office has published guidance concerning contracts between two public bodies, restating parts of Teckal and Hamburg and referring to new provisions in Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
09 September 2015


Can bankrupts receive an income payment order in addition to an income payment agreement?

This update considers the recent High Court decision in Thomas and Another v Edmondson about the court’s ability to make an income payment order against a bankrupt with an income payment agreement.
08 July 2014


Deemed Discharge of Planning Conditions

Though the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order is consolidatory, there are some differences such as introducing "deemed discharge" of planning conditions.
14 June 2015


Capacity for Debt? Funding issues and the Capacity Market

This article overviews the opportunities presented by The Capacity Market and potential issues that prospective investors might encounter.
24 May 2016


Deemed utility contracts and IP expenses - Peacocks provides rich plumage

The practice of energy companies in insolvency situations has long been a cause of frustration. The Peacocks decision sheds light on this, in particular liability for supplies to vacated premises.
10 September 2014


Chemicals regulation and product stewardship: update

REACH regulators are being encouraged to move from soft regulation such as advice and guidance towards fines and criminal penalties, according to the Head of European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Forum.
02 December 2014


Deferred Prosecution Agreements available in 2014

Following closure of the Serious Fraud Office’s consultation on the use of Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs), DPAs could be available to prosecutors as early as February 2014.
10 October 2013


Checks or cheques Residential landlords' duty to check tenant's immigration

Residential landlords who fail to check if their tenants have the right to live in the UK before renting out their property may face fines. Our briefing looks at the new rules.
10 July 2014


AIM: Director Share Purchases: No need for correction

Press coverage of directors' dealings on AIM has flagged the importance of ensuring an RNS announcement gets it right first time. This briefing contains recommended guidelines and traps to avoid.
06 February 2015


Checks or Cheques?

From October 2014, residential landlords who fail to check if their tenants have the right to live in the UK, before renting out their property, will face the prospect of fines.
14 July 2014


Air Quality - why current legislation is not working

In his presentation to the Environmental Protection UK National Conference, Burges Salmon's barrister William Wilson from the Environmental team considers the failings of Air Quality legislation.
28 January 2016


Air pollution and emissions: pressure on government increases

Two major reports have added pressure on government on diesel emissions and in April 2016 the High Court granted ClientEarth permission to further challenge the government's air quality plans.
03 May 2016