In House Lawyer article - November 2015
This article highlights recent regulatory developments targeting the balance between allowing the shale gas industry to develop in a timely way and ensuring that there is robust regulation.
19 November 2015
In House Lawyer article - September 2014
This article considers where and why the regulation of air quality is missing this health target. It attempts to give pointers to areas of future regulation.
30 September 2014
In House Lawyer article - September 2015
This article overviews key updates in chemicals regulation and product stewardship and the importance of businesses controlling information available through their supply chains.
14 October 2015
Incentives - Autumn update
In this update we discuss problems with online registration of employee share schemes, the outcome of HMRC research into growth shares and the increasing popularity of EMI option schemes.
06 November 2015
Infrastructure Act
The Infrastructure Act received Royal Assent on 12 February 2015. This briefing summarises the main development-related provisions.
19 February 2015
In-House Lawyer article ; July 2013
The Sentencing Council has closed consultation on proposals for new guidelines for the sentencing of environmental offences. This will increase the level of fines for breaches of environmental laws.
12 July 2013
Important Sector Proposals Renewable Energy Shared Ownership Structures
There is limited time to respond to new community right to buy guidelines but they will have a potentially significant impact. More details are set out in the attached briefing.
17 July 2014
Incentives and the budget
The main issues for employers arising from the budget 2014 are considered in our briefing.
20 March 2014
How to deal with an employee who makes, or requests to make, a recording of a meeting
Employers should develop a clear strategy for responding to requests to record work meetings. James Green gives guidance on possible scenarios.
18 November 2016
In Focus ; Employment Law News ; Autumn 2013
Welcome to the Autumn 2013 edition of In Focus, our quarterly update keeping you informed of developments in employment law.
15 October 2013
HS2: a new consultation on two cash alternatives for owner-occupiers
The government's consultation on 8 July 2014 outlines two cash alternative schemes for owner-occupiers to stay in properties affected by the construction of HS2 and to receive monetary compensation.
15 July 2014
HS2: The challenge continues
High Speed 2 (HS2), with support from all three main political parties, is being progressed by way of a Hybrid Bill through Parliament.
09 August 2013