Employee owned shares: act now
Do you operate employee share plans? Or do your employees or directors hold shares, share options or other 'securities'? If so you need to act now.
05 June 2015
Employee share plans: action required!
Our Incentives team details the new online registration and reporting regime for employee share plans.
05 June 2014
Environment and Energy Law ; Winter 2014
The latest edition of our Environment and Energy Law newsletter features an update on the government's Autumn Statement, 'Energy Companies Obligation' ECO orders, recycling requirements and more.
22 December 2014
Employers’ Liability
Two recent decisions of the Supreme Court have highlighted the scope of employers' liability for acts which are outside their control.
06 April 2016
Employer liability for employees acts: a special case
Peter Finding looks at the recent case of Kemeh v Ministry of Defence, and the potential implications for employers in an article written for Personnel Today.
07 May 2014
Employment law factsheet
To guide you through the key changes included in the government's review of employment law, please see our Employment Law Factsheet.
25 March 2015
Employing workers who are under 18: legal compliance
Employers with workers under 18 years of age on their books should consider a range of legal issues before and during employment, as Peter Finding explains in this article for Employers' Law.
16 December 2014
Employment law timeline 2014
Our Employment law timeline will guide you through the changes announced by the government as part of its review of employment law.
25 March 2014
Entitlement to commission when brokers are changed mid-term
Useful guidance on the general principles which will apply to mid-term broker changes has recently been provided by the Commercial Court.
05 August 2013
Employment law timeline 2015
Our Employment law timeline will guide you through the changes announced by the government as part of its review of employment law.
25 March 2015
Employment tribunals; early conciliation
Early conciliation of employment disputes seeks to settle potential claims before the employee issues their claim. This briefing considers what this means for employers facing potential litigation.
06 May 2014
Family Owned Business newsletter
This edition discusses recent developments with employee incentives, tax efficient sale, alternative finance and the result of two recent surveys of family businesses.
29 January 2014