Village green risk – Supreme Court confirms threat of 'dual use' scenarios
Town and village green registration is possible on land where there is ongoing commercial use that is compatible with the public’s use
10 May 2021
Cynllunio a Phrynu Gorfodol: Beth sydd ar y gorwel yng Nghymru yn 2022?
Trosolwg o’r newidiadau cynllunio a phrynu gorfodol sydd ar y gorwel yng Nghymru
13 January 2022
Public path diversion orders: court confirms privacy and security can be considered
The Court of Appeal has confirmed that decision-makers may take into account factors beyond those set out in 119(6) of the Highways Act 1980
15 April 2021
Planning and Compulsory Purchase: What to look out for in Wales in 2022?
Overview of the upcoming changes to the planning and compulsory purchase regimes in Wales
13 January 2022
Town and village green law: Supreme Court decision on ‘statutory incompatibility’
Overview of a lifeline from the Supreme Court to help save land held for statutory purposes being registered as a town or village green
17 February 2020
Planning enforcement action: are stricter controls being imposed?
If planning permission is not obtained (intentionally or as an oversight), the local planning authority can take enforcement action. The most commonly used power is a planning enforcement notice.
10 October 2017
Proposals for permitted development rights to support 5G rollout
Industry operators, local authorities and landowners: we highlight government’s proposals in its consultation on permitted development rights to support the 5G roll out
05 September 2019
Update on agricultural occupancy conditions
Agricultural occupancy conditions are important considerations for landowners, their agents and developers of rural dwellings
16 July 2019
Planning Consultations: NPPF and developer contributions under the microscope
The consultations on the revised NPPF and developer contributions close on 10 May. Here are the highlights for developers, landowners and local authorities
09 March 2018
Overlapping planning permissions: which one is valid?
Court of Appeal endorsement of High Court’s conclusions on principles for determining the validity of overlapping consents. We highlight the key points for landowners, developers and local authorities
23 November 2020
High Court provides new guidance on orders made under s119 of the Highways Act 1980
Useful new interpretative guidance on s119 of the Highways Act has been given by the High Court in the case of The Open Spaces Society v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
04 June 2020
Listed building enforcement: a new appeal consideration
The recent Supreme Court case of Dill looks to the heart of listed building protection, giving new guidance on whether something is a ‘building’
09 June 2020