Garden communities: current thinking and proposed changes to the planning system
Garden Communities remain firmly on the development agenda. We consider recent events and proposals in relation to garden communities
13 July 2020
Consenting for electricity storage – latest proposals
Government is proposing most electricity storage projects are consented by local authorities and not as nationally significant infrastructure projects
24 October 2019
Development plans and trigger events prevent registration of land as Town or Village Green
For landowners and developers, we consider the range of qualifying factors (or trigger events) that can apply to prevent an application to register a town or village green under the Commons Act 2006
17 July 2019
Air quality - a deciding factor in determination of housing developments
Local planning authorities may need to take air quality into account when taking decisions. Developers should properly consider air quality in their proposals and offer effective mitigation if needed
21 October 2019
Permitted Development Rights - the importance of obtaining prior approval
This article considers recent decisions relating to Class O permitted development which highlight that prior approval should be sought before undertaking works.
22 April 2020
Town and village greens - protection for developers in Wales
Legislation came into force in Wales on 22 October 2018 that protects developers against TVG applications. However, protection remains more restricted in Wales than in England
17 July 2019
Planning permission law: when are you safe from challenge by judicial review?
In a surprising and somewhat controversial result, the High Court has quashed a planning permission as a result of a Judicial Review claim brought over five years late.
29 May 2018
Biodiversity Net Gain – what are the key features?
The government is to introduce a requirement for development to deliver 'biodiversity net gain'. Here is an overview for local authorities, landowners and developers
05 September 2019
Planning obligations – all change from 6 April
Never say never; on 6 April 2015 the key change to the planning system introduced by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 will finally take effect.
03 February 2015
What is the latest on Five Year Housing Land Supply?
New planning policy guidance and court cases about the interpretation of five-year housing land supply within the National Planning Policy Framework
14 August 2019
How to deal with marital agreements on divorce
We consider how to deal with marital agreements on divorce, whether for or against implementation, and how English courts view those made under foreign law
08 June 2022
British National (Overseas): latest update on the new immigration route
The Home Office has issued further guidance on the new immigration route – the Hong Kong BN(O) Visa
23 July 2020