Financial services update: a view from Jersey and Guernsey
In this guest article, Carey Olsen's Tony Lane summarises the latest developments in Guernsey and Jersey, including the new Private Investment Fund vehicles and AIFMD and PRIIP delays.
16 February 2017
The Williams Shapps Plan for Rail: What is the future for Britain’s stations?
In this article, we consider who'll be responsible for Britain’s stations, what the station environment will look like and how the proposed reforms may deliver for passengers and stimulate investment
16 August 2021
Automated Vehicles – the future legal framework is mapped out by the Law Commissions
The joint Law Commissions publish recommendations on legal reforms for Automated Vehicles. A new legal framework for approval and authorisation and Automated Vehicles Act is proposed
26 January 2022
The Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail: impact for operators
This note considers the key changes for operators in the UK rail market arising from the Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail and the associated risks and opportunities
04 October 2021
The importance of rail freight to the decarbonisation of transport
The Transport Decarbonisation Plan and Rail Environment Policy Statement set ambitious plans for a greener transport network. We examine the role that rail freight has to play in reducing emissions
21 October 2021
Highly Automated Road Passenger Services: Law Commissions analyse consultation responses
Widespread support points to the eventual creation of a new regulated mode of public transport by automated vehicles in the concept of HARPS
21 May 2020
Low carbon transport: renewable and development fuel opportunities in the UK
The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) was amended on 15 April 2018. Our briefing explains some of the main RTFO amendments and explores the opportunities they create.
17 April 2018
Connected and autonomous vehicles: Protecting data and machine learning innovations
Burges Salmon and Withers & Rogers LLP take a look at the legal and regulatory issues involved in protecting data and innovations in CAVs
06 January 2021
Transport trends in 2017 and beyond
Dispute Resolution Festive Forecast: today, we look at future developments in transport.
08 December 2016
Law Commissions publish responses to automated vehicles consultation
The Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission have now published responses to their consultation on self-driving vehicles
05 July 2019
Is HMRC's new draft Charter an improvement?
HMRC’s new draft Charter has some encouraging additions but a few concerning omissions will hopefully be amended before it is finalised
09 April 2020
An overview of tax considerations for non-UK residents purchasing UK residential property
The purchase, ownership and sale of UK residential property by non-UK residents can result in complex UK tax considerations, which we explore in this article
04 April 2022