CJEU issues verdict on EU-US Privacy Shield and Model Clauses
Privacy Shield invalid but the Model Clauses remain effective. Focus is now on supervising authorities to control and monitor data flows to third countries
17 July 2020
UK-US data sharing poses risk to UK’s GDPR adequacy decision application
With the Brexit transition period fast approaching, obstacles to the UK’s adequacy decision application remain
27 July 2020
ICO issues Q&A on the UK's data protection landscape after the Brexit transition period
Ahead of the end of the Brexit transition period, the ICO has issued a guidance note on the key impacts of the expiry of the transition period
14 August 2020
Group litigation for personal data breaches – where are we now?
A new wave of group litigation under data protection legislation means that businesses need to be increasingly vigilant when negotiating data protection indemnities
14 February 2020
EasyJet suffers large scale data breach and faces potential group litigation
In April EasyJet reported that it had been targeted in a sophisticated cyber-attack, affecting approximately nine million customers
26 June 2020
Managing the costs of Subsidy Control Act appeals
The Court of Appeal has set out principles that will influence the scope, costs and cost risk of subsidy decision appeals under the Subsidy Control Act 2022
13 July 2023
UK government changes tack on contact tracing app
The UK government has announced the contact tracing app is moving from a ‘centralised’ to a ‘de-centralised’ model, but what does this mean for user privacy?
30 June 2020
Updated guidance from the ICO on Data Subject Requests
The Information Commissioner’s Office ('ICO') has recently updated its guidance on responding to subject access requests
13 December 2019
Attorney General issues opinion on validity of Privacy Shield and Model clauses
Model Clauses remain valid but doubts cast over Privacy Shield
23 December 2019
COVID-19: Data protection obligations and cyber security advice for organisations
With the rapid development of COVID-19, we look at data protection and cybersecurity risks organisations should look out for
09 April 2020
You’ve discovered a cyber or data breach – what should you do next?
This article highlights the key issues a business needs to address in the immediate aftermath of a cyber or data incident
22 May 2020
What does the recent section 37 judgment mean for amendments to contracted-out DB benefits
We consider the recent High Court judgment in Virgin Media Ltd v NTL Pension Trustees II Ltd and what it may mean for amendments made to contracted-out schemes
12 July 2023