Warranty and indemnity insurance in the real estate sector
Warranty and indemnity insurance has become increasingly popular as a way to mitigate risks in transactions. The real estate sector is no exception. We provide an overview of the key features.
08 December 2017
Village greens – still a potential menace for developers
Applying to register a TVG has become a standard weapon in the armoury of those seeking to prevent the development of open land. However, can cut offs provoke applications?
05 November 2014
Victory for Barclay brothers in battle for control of top London hotels
The Court of Appeal unanimously rejects a third claim brought by Irish property developer Mr Patrick McKillen, challenging the Barclay brothers’ attempt to control Coroin Limited.
09 July 2013
VAT on the conversion of partly non-residential buildings
Subject to any further appeals, zero-rating for VAT purposes will not apply to the sale of new dwellings that are created from the non-residential and residential parts of the original building.
28 September 2017
VAT and pensions: current practices can now continue until January 2018
HMRC has put back by an extra year changes to VAT recovery in relation to pension schemes
06 September 2016
VAT and DB pension schemes: HMRC review confirms current rules
Current rules about when an employer can recover VAT on services to its DB pension scheme will continue to apply in future alongside other options if suitable in particular cases.
09 November 2017
Using a black and white trade mark in colour may impact on UK opposition proceedings
How is the scope of a trade mark owner's rights affected if it registers a trade mark in black and white, but uses it in one particular colour or colour scheme?
16 January 2014
UK-REACH and the new appeal system after Brexit
In a guest editorial for Chemical Watch, we examine the process for challenging chemical regulatory decisions in the UK in a no deal exit
01 April 2019
We are family – paying the right price for domestic workers
In Nambalat v Tahor, the Court of Appeal provided guidance as to when a domestic worker is 'treated as a member of the employer's family' and therefore not entitled to the NMW.
14 August 2013
What's on the horizon for public procurement?
Dispute Resolution Festive Forecast: today, we look at developments in public procurement.
19 December 2016
When are funds drawn down under a SIPP subject to an IPO?
The High Court has determined the circumstances in which sums drawn down under a self-investment personal pension scheme could be subject to an income payments order.
09 August 2016
When are online sales restrictions OK under UK/EU competition law?
Does the ECJ's decision in Coty mark a turn in the tide as regards to online sales bans or will competition authorities continue to prohibit online restrictions as the CMA has done in Ping?
29 January 2018