Oxford Farming Conference: can politicians influence the future of farming?
Four themes emerged from this year’s Oxford Farming Conference, some of them are perennial themes now seen in the new context of Brexit rather than new ideas.
20 March 2017
New rules on labelling the origin of fresh meat
New rules on the labelling of fresh, chilled or frozen meat (from sheep, goats, pigs and poultry) will apply from 1 April 2015.
01 April 2015
New trust reporting requirements – HMRC Trust Registration Service launched
Trustees are required to report trusts with UK tax liabilities using the online trusts register.
27 July 2017
Office of Tax Simplification to review Partnership Taxation
The Office of Tax Simplification ('OTS') is to carry out an initial review of partnership taxation by Autumn 2013.
23 July 2013
Office of Rail Regulations: draft determination of Network Rail's CP5 outputs and funding
On 12 June 2013 the Office of Rail Regulation published its draft determination detailing the outputs expected from Network Rail for the next five year regulatory control period (CP5).
05 August 2013
Office holders take note – judicial help is on hand
The special administrators of MF Global UK asked the court for urgent directions regarding the implementation of a CVA. We look at what the decision means for office holders.
26 June 2018
Groundless threats reforms
The Law Commission's final report on its proposals for reform in the area of groundless threats concludes that protection should be retained, but reformed.
23 May 2014
Hard line on patent threats reaffirmed by the Court of Appeal
A patent threats principle laid down in the nineteenth century has been reaffirmed by the Court of Appeal in the recent case of Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd v Clariant Produkte.
07 August 2013
Off-site fabrication: game changer or incremental improvement?
Off-site fabrication is playing a key part in high-profile projects, including the use of regional construction hubs as part of Heathrow's expansion. Could it benefit your next project?
23 January 2018
Government must publish air pollution plans before general election
The High Court has ruled that the UK government must publish its draft air pollution plans on 9 May, with final publication due on 31 July.
28 April 2017
ORR publishes the emerging findings from its Retail Market Review
The 'Office of Rail and Road' published the emerging findings from its review of the rail retail market on 23 June 2015.
07 July 2015
ORR publishes quarterly Rail Freight statistics: what has changed?
We take a look at the ORR's Q4 2016/2017 Freight Rail Usage Statistical Release and highlight some of the key changes.
21 June 2017