Showing 4357-4368 of 5100 results

The works of Eva Cassidy – copyright and a distribution dispute

What are the implications of Straw & Anors v Jennings, the High Court distribution and copyright dispute  concerning the late vocalist, Eva Cassidy?
18 November 2013

How much can a taxpayer claim for bad tax advice?

When tax advice is misleading or fails to identify an alternative which would involve a lower payment, how much is a taxpayer entitled to be compensated? 
21 January 2015

The valuation of partnership assets on dissolution

Our Food, Farming and Land team considers the recent case of Ham v Ham & another - and why is critical that thought is given and agreements reached before business relationships breaks down.
20 November 2013

The UK's new anti-corruption strategy: five practical changes

The UK government has published its new strategy in respect of anti-corruption policies and actions over the next five years. Here are the five key things you need to know.
03 January 2018

Increased burden for carbon reporting on large companies from 2019

An update on UK carbon reporting requirements after closure of the CRC Energy Efficiency scheme and inclusion of carbon reporting in directors’ reports at Companies House.
03 August 2018

Adjudication: are "smash and grabs" a thing of the past?

The Technology and Construction Court (TCC) has looked at several "smash and grab" construction adjudication cases recently. Have "smash and grabs" had their day?
25 January 2017

How does the government propose to plan for the right homes in the right places?

The 'Planning for the right homes in the right places' consultation closes on 9 November. Here are the headlines for developers, landowners and local authorities.
17 October 2017

The taxing subject of compensation

In January 2014, ESC D33 was amended to cap the automatic exemption at £500,000 for payments where there are no underlying assets.
06 November 2015

AIM companies dealing with inside information

This briefing explains the new regime for the disclosure of inside information by companies admitted to trading on AIM. The new regime comes into effect on 3 July 2016. 
23 June 2016

Town or village green applications: how many times can a defective application be amended?

Village green applications pose catastrophic risk to development sites. The courts have recently ruled that applicants can repeatedly correct defective applications well past the application deadline.
17 October 2017

Agricultural land beside water – riparian rights

The ownership of land next to water is a specialist issue. The majority of this land is agricultural and many different rules apply. 
10 October 2016

Agricultural Holdings Act: tenancy succession planning

The continued vitality of Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 tenancies mean succession planning is particularly important for businesses involved in agriculture.
12 August 2016