Brexit and the rail industry
While the UK Rail Industry has been at the front of European Railway Regulation, Brexit may now place its future outside the direction of future European Rail development.
29 June 2016
Brexit and the EU data protection package: House of Lords EU Committee publish report
The House of Lords EU Committee has published a report which looks at how changes to the EU’s data protection laws will affect data transfers between the UK and EU after the UK leaves the EU.
27 July 2017
Brexit and Competition Law: Deal or No Deal?
The draft Brexit Withdrawal Agreement and Competition Regulations shape post-Brexit UK competition law in the different scenarios. This article describes these straightforwardly for businesses
07 January 2019
The new normal: SFO enters into £129 million Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Tesco
In entering its fourth deferred prosecution agreement, the Serious Fraud Office has imposed a fine of £129 million on Tesco for artificially inflating its profits and misleading investors.
05 May 2017
Don’t ignore offers to mediate
The Court of Appeal recently concluded (in PGF v OMFS) that failure to respond to an offer to mediate is in itself unreasonable and capable of being punished in costs.
25 October 2013
Does a 'friendly discussions' clause need to be obeyed before a claim can be brought?
The English courts have historically shown some reluctance to enforce agreements to “negotiate” or engage in “discussions” where these are conditions precedent to commencing arbitration or litigation.
11 July 2014
Senior Managers Regime: FCA extends individual accountability regime
The FCA is now consulting on the extension of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime to the entire financial services sector. We outline the proposed core requirements below.
27 July 2017
Do you have enough information to bring your procurement claim in time?
Unsuccessful bidders face the challenge of deciding on limited information whether to bring a procurement claim under time pressure. Specific disclosure may not be the answer.
12 October 2017
Divorce fee increase from £410 to £550
As of today, divorce fees have risen from £410 to £550, an increase of 34 per cent.
21 March 2016
Distributed generation – reduction in embedded benefits
Following a recent review, Ofgem has proposed a significant reduction in embedded benefits for distributed generation.
15 March 2017
Brexit and bargains: what to look out for in Intellectual Property in 2017
Dispute Resolution Festive Forecast: today, Jeremy Dickerson and Jennifer Gibson look at upcoming issues in intellectual property.
20 December 2016
Discrimination settlement did not amount to employment earnings
An employer's payment to an ex-employee pursuant to a compromise agreement, in full and final settlement of a potential race discrimination claim, does not amount to taxable earnings.
01 July 2015