Showing 4897-4908 of 5100 results

Final Adoption of General Data Protection Regulation by European Parliament

The European Parliament gave its formal approval on Thursday to the proposed text of the General Data Protection Regulation.
15 April 2016

Film schemes flop following HMRC review: Samarkand case 2015

In Samarkand Film Partnership No 3 and others v Revenue and Customs Commissioners, the Upper Tribunal (UT) delivered a decision in favour of HMRC to deny tax relief for partnership losses .
01 July 2015

Brexit: the potential implications for UK employment law

Now that the majority have voted to leave the EU in the UK's recent referendum, our employment team summarises the potential impact of Brexit on employment laws in the UK.
17 June 2016

Brexit – the impact on planning and development

Brexit has a range of implications for planning in the short, medium and longer terms. These are hard to predict in terms of timing and detail, but it seems likely they will favour development.
14 July 2016

Fiduciaries, forfeiture and profit share

We look at the recent case of Hosking where a retiring LLP member was forced to forfeit significant profit share due to breaches of his fiduciary obligations.
16 November 2016

FCA's review of UK Primary Markets: update

The FCA has published a feedback statement on DP17/21: Review of the Effectiveness of Primary Markets.
31 October 2017

A cautionary tale for directors when declaring dividends

In BTI 2014 LLC v. Sequana SA & Ors [2019], the Court of Appeal upheld the High Court decision that dividends can be challenged as transactions defrauding creditors under the Insolvency Act 1986.
11 February 2019

Brexit judgment: parliament is sovereign

The judgment in the first legal challenge to Brexit in the English and Welsh courts has been handed down today (3 November 2016).
03 November 2016

A binding deal even when the document was not signed

Parties who negotiate contracts but choose not to sign them when the moment comes usually expect not to be bound. However, the courts are finding binding contracts have arisen in such circumstances.
10 March 2014

An introduction to Residence and Domicile

Residence and domicile are both crucially important concepts in UK law. This article summarises what each term means and the impact they have for individuals
08 February 2024

Contractual controls on land consultation: Have your say

The official consultation on how the Government intends to compile a dataset of who exercises contractual control over land in England & Wales has been published

08 February 2024

For we all like figgy pudding: new guidance on the treatment of loans secured on FIG

Professional bodies published a joint guidance on a change in HMRC’s approach to the treatment of loan collateral for non-doms who use the remittance basis
06 January 2022