Showing 745-756 of 4949 results


Cybercrime: a guide to recognition, prevention and protection

Commercial entities' reliance on IT exposes businesses to the risk of falling victim to cybercrime. This briefing sets out the key scams and how companies can make themselves less susceptible to them.
27 April 2016


DC pensions: draft Code of Practice

The Regulator’s new Draft DC Code is half of the current version and no longer refers to 'DC quality features'. Instead it sets standards of conduct and practice that trustee boards should follow.
26 November 2015


DCLG planning practice guidance on renewable and low carbon energy; what does it mean?

In July the Dept of Communities and Local Government issued new planning guidance on renewable energy intended to cover a range of onshore renewable and low carbon energy sources including wind.
12 August 2013


Dealing with the provision of employee benefits following a TUPE transfer

James Green discusses the obligations of transferee employers in relation to the provision of employees’ benefits in order to protect their terms and conditions following a TUPE transfer.
15 October 2013


Dealing with travellers on commercial premises

The unauthorised and unexpected arrival of travellers can be a problem for landowners and businesses, particularly those with open sites such as car parks or land awaiting development.
27 November 2015


Debt factors and equitable set-off - rare application of little used and understood rights

The received wisdom is that if a debtor is considering equitable set-off arguments, they are clutching at straws. A recent case shows a rare example of when such rights can successfully be used.
21 January 2016


Decommissioning - Laying down the law

Ross Fairley considers what companies need to do to correctly decommission or close a permitted site. This article originally appeared in The Environmentalist in May 2014.
14 May 2014


Development Finance - Managing ‘Construction Risk’

During the recession some lenders reflected on how they were managing construction risks. This article explores this, related security requirements and how developers can save time and cost.
03 February 2016


Determining and Mitigating ‘Material Risk’

The recent decision in C-T Aviation Solutions Limited v Regina (Health and Safety Executive) sets out guidance on material risks and when an organisation should implement control measures.
25 November 2015


COVID-19 and breaking commercial contracts

In this article we provide a summary of the various ways a commercial contract may be broken or suspended within the context of a pandemic
01 April 2020


Diabetes at work: how to avoid disability discrimination

Diabetes will increasingly present a challenge at work as the number of sufferers rises and more employees could be viewed as disabled. Akshay Choudhry considers the implications for employers.
05 October 2015


All for one? Nash v Barnet LBC

A local authority has successfully defended a high-profile procurement on time limits but the Court of Appeal chose not to deal with the requirements to consult. Houlden, Jackson and Tucker consult.
03 September 2013