Showing 805-816 of 4949 results


Bus Services Bill: congestion ahead?

The Bus Services Bill has finally made an appearance in the House of Lords on 19 May 2016, a day after its announcement in the Queen’s Speech.
06 June 2016


Can debtors be balance sheet or cash flow insolvent if their obligations are limited?

Can a debtor be balance sheet or cash flow insolvent though its obligations are limited to available assets (as considered by the High Court in Re ARM Asset Backed Securities SA [2013] EWCH 3351)?
25 February 2014


Can multiple debts exceeding £750 constitute a basis for a statutory demand?

Statutory demand can be issued for debts in excess of £750 and if left unsatisfied for 21 days, can be evidence of insolvency. What happens where there are multiple dents of less than £750 each?
22 September 2015


Can insurers recover from your employees after paying out on a corporate policy?

Looking at Rathbone Brothers Plc & Anor v Novae Corporate Underwriting Ltd (2014), we consider how having insurance does not enable businesses to cease involvement in available recovery actions.
22 December 2014


Casino de Monte-Carlo fails in trademark infringement and passing-off claims

Dickerson and Shaw have published an article in 'World Trademark Review Daily' on the claim by Casino de Monte-Carlo for trademark infringement and passing off, which was dismissed on both counts.
18 November 2013


Captive insurance

We take a closer look at the meaning of captive insurance and the different forms in which it can be structured. Why consider using captive insurance? What are the risks?
29 April 2014


CDM 2015

New CDM Regulations came into force on 6 April 2015, with a new CDM regime applying to virtually everyone in the UK who procured or provided construction works and services of any significance.
11 March 2015


Challenge the appointment of administrators

Can directors challenge an administrator’s appointment and is the defence of that challenge an expense of the administration?
02 December 2013


Challenging Accelerated Payment Notices

The High Court has refused to order injunctions preventing HMRC from issuing accelerated payment notices or enforcing existing APNs.
22 May 2015


Changes to TUPE: what you need to know

Our Employment team looks at the changes to the TUPE regulations that came into effect on 31 January 2014 which were not as far reaching as originally proposed and generally welcomed by employers.
30 January 2014


Changes to UK company law - be prepared

The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 has received Royal Assent. We discuss some of the key company law changes in greater detail here.
27 March 2015


Burges Salmon Glossary of Nuclear Terms

Our comprehensive glossary, explaining many of key terms and acronyms encountered in the nuclear sector, has been revised and updated to May 2018.
10 October 2018