Now more than ever, ESG performance can enhance – or erode – a company’s value, reputation and relationships with its clients. Those with a robust ESG framework could gain the upper hand over competitors, improve their financial performance, and build customer loyalty.

To reap the available benefits, UK companies must first prove their commitment to ESG by complying with a range of mandatory disclosure obligations that are often embedded in diverse pieces of legislation, and generally intended to achieve specific ESG-related policy objectives. Meeting these requirements takes a great deal of preparation. In many cases, disclosures need to be made regarding a company’s supply chain.

Over the next few years, we are likely to see new regulations that will require companies to observe ESG standards across their supply chain. Ensuring that business partners meet ESG standards requires investment, resources and constant monitoring, and it is clear from our research that most companies still have some way to go on this aspect of their ESG journey.

Our latest research

We conducted original research across industry sectors to assess the extent to which UK organisations are applying due diligence with regard to their supply chains, and whether they are ready to meet changing global standards in this area.

Our survey of 361 UK respondents in legal and business services roles, operating across the Energy and Utilities, Technology, Built Environment, Transport and Healthcare sectors, illustrates the variable progress being made on ESG commitments and the fluctuating levels of sophistication in managing and monitoring supply chains.

The report also sheds light on the sectors, regions and company types that are better prepared to address ESG obligations and monitor supply chain commitments.

We are extremely grateful to our survey respondents for sharing their views and hope that this report acts as a springboard to stimulate discussion and productive further thinking for anyone who is looking at implementing supply chain compliance requirements in their organisation.

Supply chain ESG disclosure - is your business ready?

Key contact

Michael Barlow

Michael Barlow Partner

  • Head of Environment
  • Head of Water
  • Head of ESG

Supply chain ESG disclosure sector video series

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